Each of our completed projects fills us with pride and satisfaction, so we would like to offer you a little insight into our work here.

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Thyssen Krupp

MULTI is a groundbreaking and award-winning innovation in the elevator industry. In collaboration with Thyssen Krupp, we at SIMA have taken a leading role in the electrical realization of this project and are proud to have contributed to the future of urban transportation.


source: thyssenkrupp Elevator

Elevator car of the MULTI system. With its futuristic appearance, it brings the locomotion of the future to our cities today.

source: thyssenkrupp Elevator

Possible applications of the MULTI system. Conveniently connect and move between several separate buildings. MULTI creates efficient and fast mobility in urban areas.


MULTI is characterized by more capacities, faster transportation and at the same time less system weight. There are no limits to the elevator system. Both horizontal and vertical movements can be implemented without restrictions.

SIMA Elektrotechnik GmbH has contributed significantly to the success of MULTI through its expertise.